Minggu, 10 Oktober 2010

Just Want To Introduce Some Friends

I want to introduce my best friend, ~check this out XO

For the first, I became his friend since i'm born, i dunno why it can, maybe because our home so close, when i'm kindergarten we know each other. our school in the same place since the age of 5 years until now ! Her name is Ulfah Nurul Fadilla. she's funny, easy going, she's beautiful, so glad can be her friend.

Second, i think she nice and sometimes make me angry but no too long, just a minutes or hours, she is Syafi'a Milati. she's beautiful. We often play together, take pictures or talking about friend at school.

Of course so glad have 'em. 

Jumat, 08 Oktober 2010

Friday, 8th Oct 2010, make me feel so nervous.

Why ? ~Because 9e will show our song that already we make before. In my class, that have 6 team, who must make their own songs every group . Confuse enough, especially for my team, because we not bring the guitar, and making we forced to practice without guitar, but no problem because we've practice last night. We get the fourth turn to perform our song. First time we must introduce the members team. Second I must tell about what our song. Third, sing the yel-yel. Fourth sing our song. and Finally we can perform much better than last night we practice. Okay, just all that I want to tell. Thanks to read.

Senin, 04 Oktober 2010


Ketika aku masih muda dan bebas berkhayal, aku
bermimpi ingin mengubah dunia 
Seiring dengan bertambahnya usia dan kearifanku,
kudapati bahwa dunia tidak kunjung berubah. 
Maka cita-cita itu pun agak kupersempit,
lalu kuputuskan untuk hanya mengubah negriku.
Namun nampaknya, hasrat itupun tiada hasilnya 
Ketika usiaku semakin senja,
dengan semangatku yang masih tersisa,
kuputuskan untuk mengubah keluargaku,
orang-orang yang paling dekat denganku.
Tetapi celakanya, merekapun tidak mau diubah !
Dan kini sementara aku berbaring saat ajal menjelang,
tiba-tiba kusadari :

” Andaikan yang pertama-tama kuubah adalah diriku.
Maka dengan menjadikan diriku sebagai panutan,
mungkin aku bisa mengubah keluargaku.
Lalu, berkat inspirasi dan dorongan mereka,
bisa jadi akupun mampu memperbaiki negeriku.
Kemudian siapa tahu, aku bahkan bisa mengubah
dunia !”